FBI ITECS Is Out! Here’s What You Need to Know

The FBI Information Technology Enterprise Contract Support (ITECS) opportunity is the follow-on to the FBI IT Triple-S contract, which was awarded to 46 companies in the Fall of 2010. The FBI intends to award contracts to 20 large businesses and 10 small businesses, using the size standard for NAICS code 541519 (although, as usual, they reserve the right to alter that award plan). The contract will have a one-year base period and four 1-year option periods.

The technical scope of the contract includes seven service areas: End User Services; Delivery Services; Business Application Services, Platform Services, Infrastructure Services, Emerging Technologies, and Shared Services.

FBI ITECS Procurement Timeline
  • The solicitation was released under GSA Schedule 70 on eBuy on July 19th.
  • The Phase One proposal is due on August 19, 2019.
  • Questions on the solicitation are due to the customer by 12:01pm EDT on July 26th.

This solicitation represents Phase One. The FBI is using a self-scoring proposal approach similar to the prior GSA Alliant 2 and OASIS procurements. After validating the self-scoring, the 40 top scoring large business proposals and 20 top scoring small business proposals will move on to Phase Two, which includes a technical oral presentation, a technical security factor, and pricing for a mock task order.

FBI ITECS Highlights

Here are some interesting elements of the FBI ITECS solicitation:

  1. No Contractor Teaming Arrangements (CTAs) or Joint Ventures (JVs) are allowed.
  2. No teaming is allowed.
  3. Large business bidders can only use contracts where they were the prime contractor.
  4. Small business bidders can use contracts where they were either the prime or subcontractor.
  5. For Leading Edge Technology (LET) relevant experience, bidders cannot use the same contract for two different LET areas.
  6. LET projects cited can be different from those cited for Relevant Experience Project Size and Complexity.
  7. Bidders cannot submit a collection of task orders as one contract citation; each task order stands alone.
  8. To determine if a contract meets the size threshold, bidders have to use the “exercised” contract value; that is, the value of the base period plus any exercised option periods (you cannot count any unexercised option periods).
  9. Bidders cannot use the experience of a firm recently acquired through an acquisition, unless that company’s contract has been fully novated to the new company.
How Can We Help You With FBI ITECS?

Initial Scoring Analysis: Conduct a complete opportunity assessment to ensure that you meet the pool qualifications. Validate the scoring worksheet based on the selected contracts and provide an initial estimated score. Offer guidance for bid/no bid and pursuit strategy based on the assessment.

  • When? ASAP!
  • Why? Because there is nothing worse than ramping up a proposal team only to realize that you cannot meet the pool qualification requirements.

Proposal Review: Let us review your proposal to ensure that all of your proposal documentation, project information, and certification information is easy to find and clearly mapped to the solicitation requirements.

  • When? After your projects have been identified and the self-scoring sheet is complete. We recommend somewhere between Pink and Red Team, but really any time before submission works.
  • Why? The evaluation team is going to sit down and map all submitted documentation against the requirement. This is a way to ensure that all the information is there and easy to find.

Proposal Management: With a two-phase procurement and a three-volume Phase One submission, with intricate scoring and documentation requirements, to say this bid is complex is an understatement. We will work with your team to ensure that each and every element is covered and progressing within the RFP response timeframe.

  • When? ASAP! FBI has given you everything you need to get started now.
  • Why? You need a captain. Someone to stay the course and keep tabs on all the moving parts. Fortunately, Red Team has managed and won numerous scoring-type IDIQ awards in the past, including GSA Alliant 2 and OASIS, and we know what it takes to manage a proposal of this size and complexity.

Document Specialist: Ensures compliance and accurate mapping of all contract relevant information as part of the submission response.

  • When? Once projects have been set the document specialist will begin building an intricate system to map key requirements for final submission.
  • Why? Mapping and accuracy of content has never been more important. We have seen first hand how difficult it can be to collect, verify, and compile all of the existing documents for ITECS. This is a critical position to ensure all of the necessary documentation is confirmed.
Interested in bidding on FBI ITECS?
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