Virtual vs. In-Person Training: Which Setting Wins?

You’ve heard us preach the importance of providing training opportunities to your team. Not only does it offer them a chance to grow their skillset and contribution level, but it also improves the overall quality of their work environment. Since March 2020, Red Team has led all our trainings in a virtual setting. However, lately we have been feeling the itch to get back to in-person instruction – you may be feeling the same way, as well.

For the companies that continued training virtually through the pandemic – bravo! It is important to be adaptable and continue offering these perks to your team, particularly in this workforce shortage environment. Red Team is a strong proponent of training regardless of the setting and we think offering something is always better than nothing. Virtual training is a great option depending on your need, but nothing can truly replace in-person instruction.

If you have the option to choose between holding a virtual or in-person training, here are 5 reasons why we think you should select an in-person setting.

5 Reasons Why You Should Choose In-person Trainings

1. It’s harder for attendees to multi-task with email and pings.

Training attendees only get as much out of a training course as they put into it. Minimizing external distractions will help the group pay attention and retain the information.

2. Group exercises are more effective.

Teams can better work through training scenarios without screens by directly interacting with one another and talking through the solution. Groups often must get acclimated with the software features in a virtual setting before actually diving into the exercise.

3. Avoid technical difficulties.

We have all suffered through technical difficulties while working virtually. These challenges are greatly reduced when conducting an in-person training which saves on time and patience.

4. Build connections with your team.

Gathering your team in person provides a great opportunity to boost morale and build relationships, especially for those who joined the company during COVID or are spread out geographically.

5. Build connections with your instructor.

Building credibility is a large part of creating a positive learning atmosphere for our instructors and attendees. In-person instruction can help achieve that at a much quicker rate.


  • Bundle the in-person training with another corporate event, like an offsite or in-person all hands meeting
  • Take the group to dinner post-training to get to know one another outside of the office in a neutral environment

When Virtual Trainings Work Better

As with most things in life, nothing is black and white and there are scenarios in which virtual training is the best option. Here are a couple instances where virtual training should be considered.

1. Attendees are spread out geographically.

Hosting your team for an in-person training can be costly! If the budget is tight it’s important to factor the cost of airfare, lodging, and feeding into the overall budget for the training.

2. If you want to re-use the training recording for internal purposes.

A benefit to hosting a virtual training is you can keep the recording of the training. Since in-person trainings aren’t recorded, this wouldn’t be feasible.

When in doubt, check to see if the training organization has a hybrid option with some attendees joining in-person and virtually. Red Team offers a hybrid instruction option to meet the needs of our clients wherever they may be.

Final Thoughts

Training is a valuable resource that should be considered in any setting. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons with what is important to your team and organization before making a decision.