Top 5 Government Contracting Events in October

Speaker at Business convention and Presentation.

There are tons of valuable government contracting events in the DC metro area, from networking happy hours to training seminars to opportunity overviews. We’ve narrowed down the top 5 events that you should attend in the upcoming weeks.

While you’re here, check out Red Team’s event calendar for upcoming government contracting events that we are hosting.

Event #1: 2019 Government Contracting Conference: Confronting the Challenges Facing Today’s Government Contracting Community

Date: October 3, 2019
Cost: $350 – $450
Location: Washington Marriott at Metro Center in Washington, DC

Business, policy, law, and regulatory issues pervade the half trillion dollar government contracting community. From contracting approaches designed to attract new entrants into what the 2017 National Security Strategy called the National Security Innovation Base, to government and industry initiatives to improve the recruitment and retention of today’s and tomorrow’s workforce, there is a great deal of activity underway in the government contracting ecosystem.

The 2019 GMU–DAU Government Contracting Conference will bring together 300 professionals from government, industry, and academia for a day-long conference to examine some of the major issues facing the community today. Twenty-first-century issues in contracting, workforce management, and acquisition demand a conversation today.

Event #2: AFCEA Bethesda October Breakfast: Data-Driven Security

Date: October 15, 2019
Cost: $80 – $95
Location: National Press Club in Washington, DC

As agencies move forward with transformation initiatives—as they increase their investments in the cloud, mobility and related technologies that both extend the enterprise and expand their attack surface area—they will find it increasingly difficult to monitor and respond to cyber threats. One solution is data: leveraging machine learning and artificial intelligence to gain deep visibility into the enterprise and to detect potential threats before damage can be done.

At this event, we will discuss data-driven approaches to cybersecurity and how they fit into an agency’s overarching cyber strategy—with a focus on technologies, policies and workforce strategies that support data-driven cyber initiatives. This breakfast is part of the first series of AFCEA Bethesda’s 2019-2020 program year, which is focused on how cybersecurity can support transformation efforts.

Event #3: HIMSS NCA October Program: Harnessing the Power of Biomedical Data

Date: October 17, 2019
Cost: $55 – $85
Location: Key Bridge Marriott in Arlington, VA

The October HIMSS NCA program will feature a distinguished, all NIH panel, that includes members of the NIH Scientific Data Council and NIH Institute and Center leaders who will discuss the latest data initiatives and programs and the progress they are making in harnessing the power of the biomedical research data ecosystem.

Event #4: ACT-IAC ELC 2019

Date: October 20-23
Cost: $695 – $2,495
Location: Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA

Imagine Nation ELC 2019 is the premier event for government and industry leaders who are interested in using technology to improve government at all levels – federal, state, and local. Imagine one place and time where government and industry come together on neutral ground and stand united in the collaborative pursuit of the greater good. This year’s conference theme is, ‘Driving Impact! Innovation through Government and Industry Collaboration’.

Event #5: Federal RFP Pricing Strategy Training, Presented by Red Team Consulting

Date: October 29, 2019 and November 12, 2019
Cost: $465 – $495
Location: Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce in Tysons, VA

While business development efforts, capture strategies, and proposal win themes and discriminators are important in increasing overall win probability, one of the essential components to winning federal contracts is the pricing strategy. Understanding the process and strategies potentially available to you are critical to your competitiveness in this market.

Our Federal RFP Pricing Strategy Training will introduce attendees to the critical relationship between cost and pricing strategy. It begins with an overview of concepts and players involved. With this foundation, we then move into pricing strategies and techniques. We review the linkages between all of the proposal volumes and why it is important that your win themes and data are consistent throughout. This class will provide insight into best practices that, when coupled with a strong technical proposal (technical approach, staffing approach, management approach, teaming, and past performance), will increase overall win probability.

Key Takeaways:

  • Who are the important players essential to creating a compelling, compliant and winning cost/price volume?
  • What pricing techniques/strategies should you be using?
  • When should you consider changes to your estimating system and your cost/pricing processes?
  • Where can you find free resources for cost/pricing?
  • Why do companies lose bids on price/cost?
  • How do you answer Government clarifying questions on cost/pricing?
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