Employee Wellness Is Where It’s At

Carole Stoebe and Meghan Quinn painting at Pinot's Palette

Employee wellness programs can mean different things at different companies. There are no set rules, and that’s what we love about it. You can tailor your employee wellness program to the needs and goals of your company culture. For Red Team, it’s all about team building, disconnecting for a moment, and getting our creative juices flowing.

Our senior marketing manager implemented Red Team’s employee wellness program in the beginning of 2018. The goal was to plan one employee wellness event each quarter. The event would provide an opportunity for our staff to close their laptops, learn something new with each other, and most importantly decompress. Now, more than ever, it seems like we are all tethered to technology. It can get exhausting. These quarterly events would provide a chance for our team to take a brief respite and tap into the right-brain.

Rina Kim pulling a sheet of pasta from a pasta maker
Jeff Shen and Richard Busch at a pottery wheel
Carole Stoebe and Blake Harvey cutting ravioli

So far this year, we’ve had three entertaining and memorable wellness events: a painting class, a cooking class, and a pottery class. These events allowed us to work both independently and as a team. In our painting class, we each had the opportunity to create our own rendition of Van Gogh’s Les Iris. In the cooking class, we worked together in teams to make fresh pasta from scratch. At our most recent event, a pottery class held at a converted 175-year-old former dairy barn, we each took a turn at the pottery wheel to create a bowl.

Our wellness program does not stop there. We understand that if we invest in our employees and their well-being, the result is a happy, motivated team ready to give it their all. In addition to our quarterly wellness events, we provide our team with healthy snack options in the office. We also have relaxing activities available, such as adult coloring books and puzzles. And of course, there is our ongoing trivia game that is always guaranteed a good laugh.

What does employee wellness look like at your company?

Eight bowls sitting on a table with a garden in the background
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