Red Team Conducts Procurement Training in Peru

Two of our Red Team employees, Jeff Shen (VP and General Manager) and Charlie Shafer (Senior Proposal Consultant), visited Lima, Peru in May for a two-day training on federal and state procurement processes. The workshop focused on teaching Peruvian companies how to sell to the US through the Trade Promotion Agreement between the two countries. Representatives from more than 30 Peruvian companies – including textiles/clothing, metalworking, metallurgical, ceramics, processed food items, and others – attended the workshop. The event was organized jointly by the Vice Ministry of Foreign Trade and Commercial Office of Peru in Washington DC.

Peru’s Foreign Trade and Tourism website released an article about the well-received workshop. Please click here to view the article. A translation of the article can be found near the bottom of this web post.

After their successful training, Jeff and Charlie took a few days to explore the rich culture of Lima and Cusco. A few highlights from their adventures can be found below.

Article Translation:

The Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism, Magali Silva Velarde-Alvarez, reported that today and tomorrow the training workshop is conducted in Public Procurement: How to sell to the United States through the Trade Promotion Agreement Peru – USA? Mincetur headquarters. The event is organized jointly by the Vice Ministry of Foreign Trade and Commercial Office of Peru in Washington DC. (OCEX Washington).

“The FTA between Peru and the United States allows Peruvian companies to participate in public procurement in that country, 11 Federal and State level, a situation that has not been fully exploited by our companies, which want to train in the regulatory framework and procedures for access to US government procurement processes, providing current information on existing opportunities, and help them develop winning proposals for that position their products and services in more than 70 US government agencies ” said Minister Silva.

The training is run by Red Team Consulting, a US consulting firm specializing in the field, with a high success rate in getting their clients win contracts from the government of the United States, having helped over 400 businesses of all sizes to compete in more than 600 public tenders of the areas of information systems, communications, engineering, manufacturing, health, security services, marketing and distribution and logistics. The consulting firm will train Peruvian firms in existing processes and public procurement opportunities in the Federal Government of the United States as well as in state purchases of New York, Texas, Illinois, Florida and Puerto Rico.

The workshop will include the participation of Peruvian companies from the textile-clothing, metalworking, metallurgical, ceramic and processed food items, among others. “We hope that this training will enable them to have better tools to identify business opportunities and successfully enter the US market. Our support will continue to be monitored closely, both in Peru and through our sales offices in the US, to make possible the participation of these companies in US government procurement “, concluded the Minister Silva.

It is noteworthy that the participating companies went through a selection process to determine their potential involvement in US government procurement. Furthermore, the workshop will be attended by officials from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Production, and Promperú MINCETUR and representatives of business associations as ADEX, SNI, AGAP, APESOFT, in order to strengthen their capacities and become diffusers information and opportunities.

This effort is part of the activities aimed at better use of free trade agreements with Peru counting, which is part of the National Strategic Exports Plan by 2025 through its component internationalization of Peruvian companies. “This is the first training activity and we are starting with the US market, but will continue in the coming months with other markets where Peruvian companies can enter with preferences through trade agreements, particularly in procurement processes, “said Minister Silva.

It is important to note that the United States is one of our main trading partners globally, the main destination for Peruvian exports of nontraditional products. It has a population of 390 million people, a GDP of US $ 17,419 billion, and trade with Peru nearly $ 15 billion. Since the entry into force of the FTA our exports to the US grew at an annual average of 11%, shipments of traditional products by 9%, while non-traditional 14%. Importantly, the government procurement market in the United States is about 144 times larger than that of Peru, with annual sales of US $ 1876.3 billion.

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