Top 5 Virtual Government Contracting Events in December
With the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic, events have moved to a virtual setting, making it convenient to connect and stay current with industry information. We’ve highlighted the top 5 virtual events that you should tune into in August.
While you’re here, check out Red Team’s event calendar for upcoming government contracting events that we are hosting.
Event #1: PCI Webinar Series: Building a Winning Proposal that Survives a Protest: Pre-Award & Post-Award
Date: December 1-2, 2020
Cost: $90
Location: Virtual Webinar
Lawyers and Consultants with extensive experience on bid protests and proposals, respectively, will present a two-part series that discusses how to: build better proposals; evaluate and shape procurements in order to win more awards; and, if necessary, bring or defend bid protests. A key topic will be the need for contractors to engage in pre-award bid protest thinking in order to identify and, where practicable, correct problems in the procurement process.
The webinar instructors will offer their complementary experiences and perspectives on how to build a winning proposal that survives a protest and to use those same skills, when necessary, to challenge others’ awards. In addition to other tactics and techniques, important issues of cost and pricing proposals and protests will be addressed. This training will be useful for business development teams, proposal teams, lawyers, and consultants.
Event #2: ACT-IAC Health Innovation Day 2020
Date: December 2-3, 2020
Cost: $295-$395
Location: Virtual Conference
The United States transitioned from just a recurring flu season to a full pandemic with the infiltration of the Corona Virus. This pandemic caused the healthcare system to turn upside down and develop new pathways, processes, and techniques for not only tending to and treating the COVID patients, but also treating the general populations with the daily medical and surgical conditions. Many changes occurred in the healthcare system in a very short period of time that the medical profession now wonders “what will be the new norm for health care during the remainder of the time COVID is still active and what will be the new norm for the future?” In addition, the healthcare community needs to address “what health care policies will change in the future to accommodate this new norm?”
The presenters and panelists will address the following questions:
- What did the government and health system learn from the pandemic experience?
- What were they prepared to do and what had to immediately change to accommodate the requirements around the pandemic?
- What frustrated government and the health industry the most during the pandemic crisis?
- How did industry help the government – Federal, State, and Local?
- Has the new virtual way of treating patients impacted the cost of care, the ability to diagnose, the connectivity to patients?
- What does the future hold for the government, hospital systems, Pharma, providers, and others?
- Will the United States be able to revert back to the “old norm” after a vaccine has been successfully developed?
Event #3: [Virtual Workshop] Pricing to Win: Strategies to Competitively Price Proposals
Date: December 3, 2020
Cost: $295
Location: Virtual Workshop
Pricing a proposal can often be the most challenging part of preparing your RFP response. Red Team has developed a workshop to help attendees develop Price-to-Win methodologies and tools to compete in a price sensitive market. Our PTW and Competitive Analysis support has helped numerous companies win best value trade off and LPTA contracts on sizeable single-award programs, IDIQs, and task orders.
This workshop will cover understanding internal cost efficiencies and strategies, developing price strategies, and executing effective Price-to-Win methodologies. Our goal is to help you develop your Price-to-Win model to compete in our current market. The training materials provided will help establish the baseline knowledge to allow operational and financial staff to use the tools and practices provided in the training.
Workshop Topics:
- Basic Government Contract Types and Requirements
- Government Evaluation Models
- Internal Pricing Components
- Cost Model Development
- Strategy Development – Price-To-Win
- Competitive Research & Analysis
Event #4: AFCEA Bethesda December Breakfast Webinar: Security – Paper Security vs. Real Security
Date: December 9, 2020
Cost: $45-$55
Location: Webinar
The federal government faces multiple threats daily from cyber criminals and nation states looking to attack critical infrastructure, steal critical data, and launch malware and crippling denial of services attacks. Meanwhile, an increasingly distributed, remote workforce scattered across the country requires more robust protection for the devices they rely on. In response, the federal government has launched numerous programs, policy directives, and presidential executive orders to strengthen the IT infrastructure and information assets of civilian and defense agencies against internal and external cyberattacks. With those initiatives and a layered security approach using multiple tools and policies to safeguard networks, most federal agencies on paper appear secure. But are they?
This webinar will explore how agencies can apply the right mix of technology, processes, policy, and workforce strategies to ensure that security initiatives are effective. Speakers will discuss how agencies can successfully apply the various mandates and programs to strengthen protection across the government enterprise.
Event #5: 2020 Ugly Sweater Holiday Event (Virtual)
Date: December 17, 2020
Cost: $5
Location: Virtual Party
Please join HIMSS NCA, on Thursday, December 17th for their annual but virtual Ugly Sweater Holiday Party! This is a great opportunity to celebrate & show appreciation of the HIMSS NCA membership, volunteers and spread HIMSS cheer. In the spirit of the Holiday Season, this event will support Toys for Tots and be a great networking event for the HIMSS NCA Community. As of now this event will be virtual using Zoom. It will include a raffle, slide show, festive music, and the ability to connect here on LinkedIn.