On Monday, July 19th at 9:00 PM EDT, NITAAC released Amendment 7 of the CIO-SP4 RFP. This amendment extends the due date for proposals to Tuesday, August 3rd at 2:00 PM and includes several [...]
I want to make sure everyone reads our assessment of the latest Amendment 6 from NITAAC for NIH CIO-SP4. In addition to this summary, my colleague, Tris Carpenter, shared his interpretation of NITAAC’s update [...]
It’s time again to review another amendment to the NITAAC CIO-SP4 solicitation. Amendment 6 was released late afternoon on Friday, July 9th. We’ll take a quick look at what changed and how those changes [...]
As we were preparing to go to press with this article we learned of several pre-award protests filed with the GAO on CIO-SP4. Since NITAAC is not obliged to pause the procurement or release [...]
The CIO-SP4 final RFP has been out for nearly three weeks and one of the questions we’ve been addressing most frequently is how to provide sufficient “documentation” to make sure the score that bidders [...]
On Friday, June 4, 2021, NITAAC released Amendment 2 to the Final RFP for CIO-SP4. This amendment has implications to some of the guidance that Red Team has provided to attendees of our symposium [...]