Top 5 Virtual Government Contracting Events in April

With the recent COVID-19 outbreak, most in-person events have been cancelled or postponed. Many, have moved to a virtual setting, making it convenient to connect and stay current with need-to-know industry information. We’ve highlighted the top 5 virtual events that you should tune into in the upcoming weeks.
Event #1: DHA 20 in 20 UNFILTERED Industry Breakfast & Networking Opportunity (Virtual)
Date: April 1, 2020
Cost: $80-$120
Location: Virtual Webinar
This April G2Xchange and FedHealthIT will be hosting and facilitating the new DHA Unfiltered Series with an eye on bringing together and supporting the senior growth-minded executives from industry who support the important mission of the Defense Health Agency for an event unlike anything you have ever participated in.
This intimate event will include an opportunity to connect with and hear from senior technology executives, subject matter experts and business leaders from across the DHA community and have candid, open discussions that will identify real solutions and opportunities to drive results and better support the important set of missions driven by DHA and the contractor community.
Event #2: Disruptive Tech Series: Non-Traditional Acquisitions @CMS (Virtual)
Date: April 3, 2020
Cost: $85-$125
Location: Virtual Webinar
Curious to learn about new styles of procurement at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services? Join this Disruptive Tech Series Breakfast webinar for an honest and unfiltered discussion of changes around proposals and procurement. Learn how to SHOW not TELL!
G2Xchange and FedHealthIT is pleased to offer this informative session focused on helping those in attendance:
- Explore how CMS is moving away from the Statement of Work and embracing the Statement of Objectives
- Dive into design challenges, technical evaluation, and methods to assemble qualified teams
- Attend the webinar with questions, and feel free to submit them in advance
Event #3: PSC Executive Virtual Roundtable Breakfast
Date: April 23, 2020
Cost: N/A – Invite Only
Location: Virtual
The PSC Executive Roundtable is a new series of monthly breakfast and/or lunch meetings exclusively for senior executives from regular PSC member companies. This event is by invitation only.
Event #4: AFFIRM April Speaker Series: The President’s Management Agenda (WEBINAR)
Date: April 23, 2020
Cost: FREE
Location: Virtual Webinar
The President’s Management Agenda has identified IT modernization as one of the key drivers of transformation. Effective, modern technology is the platform that government uses to meet citizen expectations and keep sensitive data and systems secure. Coupled with tools that deliver accountability and transparency as well as a modern Federal workforce, IT modernization will help drive mission outcomes, enhance service delivery and steward taxpayer dollars.
Join us on Thursday, April 23 as we take an in-depth look at how government can build a stronger America and provide 21st century services that Americans expect today.
- Describe the necessary components of data-driven decision-making to improve accountability and transparency in government operations.
- Detail the role of robotic process automation in the shift from low-level to high-value work in government.
- Define the roles of chief data officers and chief evaluation officers in measuring government effectiveness.
- Delineate how shared services will be utilized to provide the infrastructure for secure, agile, and cost effective government.
Event #5: GHX SUMMIT 20 – Virtual
Date: April 23-29, 2020
Cost: FREE
Location: Virtual Webinar
“As a healthcare provider, manufacturer or distributor, you work hard to drive best-in-class business performance and patient care — committed to new ideas, tools, technologies and best practices. Yet, how do you find today’s most advanced tools and technologies? What could you glean from peers who are leading the industry? Would face-to-face collaboration with your business partners get you closer to meeting that goal?”
The GHX Summit will be a gathering where all business functions and organizational levels, from strategic to tactical, are united in a common goal. A DHA speaker will address the topic “DHA’s Journey of Moving from Legacy Systems to the Cloud”.