Navy, Air Force, and DOT Contracts Expected to Drop
We are tracking three government contracts expected to drop in Q3 of 2019: Cyberspace Science Research Engineering and Technology Integration SCC Pacific Centerwide Contract, Air Force Distributed Common Ground System Agile Requirements Multiple Award (DARMA), and Systems Engineering and Technical Innovative Solutions Program (SETIS). Learn more about these opportunities in the descriptions below.

Government Contract #1: Cyberspace Science Research Engineering and Technology Integration SCC Pacific Centerwide Contract
Agency: Navy
Expected Release Date: August 2019 (Deltek Estimate)
Value: $40 Million
Competition Type: SB Set-Aside
Program Summary:
The Department of the Navy, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Pacific has a requirement for Cyber Warfare Support.
The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, Pacific (SSC Pacific), as the principle Navy Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) and Acquisition Center for C4ISR and IO is responsible for functions that include: mission analysis, assessment and development of technology base, basic and applied research, demonstration of technology, engineering in support of production, support to operating forces; supporting doctrine, policy, and strategy development; and integration of numerous National and Tactical systems in the area of Cyberspace Operations.
Increasingly, SSC Pacific, DoD and other Government customers require advice, assistance, coordination and products necessary to support operational planning, assessment, integration, execution and technology development to assure superiority for the warfighter in the cyberspace domain.
- The Contractor shall be required to provide a wide range of expertise supporting full spectrum Cyber Warfare and enabling activities.
- The Contractor shall provide technical and management services to support SSC PAC in establishing and maintaining Cyber Warfare and enabling product lines, programs and projects.
- The Contractor shall provide experienced personnel to engage in identifying, and developing core technical and functional services in support of full spectrum Cyber Warfare and enablers.
- The Contractor shall provide technical and management services that enable rapid development and deployment of new capabilities to attack, defend, and exploit networks, systems and services in response to emerging requirements.

Government Contract #2: Air Force Distributed Common Ground System Agile Requirements Multiple Award (DARMA)
Agency: Air Force
Expected Release Date: September 2019 (Deltek Estimate)
Value: $100 Million
Competition Type: Undetermined
Program Summary:
The Department of the Air Force, Air Force Materiel Command, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Digital Directorate, C2ISR Division has a requirement for Agile (Scaled Agile Framework or “SAFe”) implementation of DCGS software upgrades that cannot be achieved through other means, such as a commercial software product or a non-developmental item.
This SOW describes AGILE software integration/development and other efforts to improve the performance of ISR systems, including the AF DCGS and other similar programs. This SOW is intended for the AF DCGS Weapon System, including its network, security, GEOINT, SIGINT, Multi-INT, Sensors, operations, maintenance, interfaces, and other Intelligence or Intelligence related systems or items. The DARMA contract will not be used for large purchases of COTS software and hardware; those items will typically be procured competitively through NETCENTS II and similar vehicles. The following are the strategic themes of the DARMA contract:
- Agile Integration of New Intelligence Sources to DCGS embedded system—adding new sensors to provide feeds to the DCGS.
- Agile Improvement of Info Sharing, Integration & Interoperability—providing information faster in an integrated manner and capable of being exploited by multiple systems.
- Agile New Multi-Int Analysis/Fusion Capabilities—providing means of analyzing data much quicker and more accurately.
- Agile Infrastructure improvements to embedded system—making network and other systemic changes to DCGS.
Performance Scope
The following descriptions are representative of other capability requirements that may arise. This is intended to provide the scope of possible work that would be accomplished on the DARMA contract and may change based on funding and future development within the AF DCGS baseline.
- Visualization Applications
- Common Workstation/Sensor Merged Baseline
- Centralization of Data Types
- New Sensor Mode Integration
- Enterprise Communication Capability
- DPOC Enterprise Management Upgrade
- Multi-Level Security Chat

Government Contract #3: Systems Engineering and Technical Innovative Solutions Program (SETIS)
Agency: DOT
Expected Release Date: September 2019 (Deltek Estimate)
Value: To Be Determined
Competition Type: Full and Open | Unrestricted | SB Set-Aside
Program Summary:
The Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has a requirement for Systems Engineering & Technical Innovative Solutions (SETIS) Program.
For this procurement of services, a single solicitation is planned that will combine aspects of both the SE2020/SE2025 Research and Mission Analysis (R&MA) and SE2020/SE2025 Systems Engineering (SE) contracts along with new functional requirements to satisfy current and future FAA requirements.
The FAA seeks highly specialized, skilled engineering and technical labor resources for the SETIS Program to help the FAA transform the NAS through the implementation of NextGen and related FAA Programs.