There is no fool proof way to grow a successful government contracting firm. While some company leaders might vouch for a specific method for growth, they may only be speaking about their own experience, [...]
Imagine that you’ve just read the procurement instructions for your current opportunity, and sure enough, it includes some form of oral proposal presentation (commonly known as orals). You’re obviously excited because you know that [...]
You may have seen in recent news that Italian artist, Salvatore Garau, sold an invisible sculpture for $18,300. Even more mind-blowing, in 2020, an invisible painting was sold to a group of investors for [...]
This post was updated on December 6, 2021 to provide the latest context on the hectic congressional situation, including appropriations, debt ceiling, BBB Act, and the 2022 NDAA. How does it work? In [...]
For many of our organizations, most tasks needed to grow happen outside of the normal working hours and require employees to contribute beyond their 9-5 role. Though their title may not have “growth” included [...]
So here we are—Amendment 9 for CIO-SP4 and the updated proposal submission date of August 20th. Before I state the obvious regarding the dramatic twists and turns on this procurement, let me say a [...]